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Effortless Automation.

Your Hands-Free Test Automation Assistant

Effortlessly automate the entire test creation process from start to finish. The Automators TestPilot interprets your testing requirements, generates scripts, runs tests, and even debugs its own code — eliminating the need for manual execution.

TestPilot Robot

Designed for seamless integration, the TestPilot saves validated scripts directly to your repository, making test automation as efficient and scalable as ever. Step into a new era of streamlined testing with Automators TestPilot!

How it works


Define Testing Requirements

Start by specifying your testing requirements. TestPilot interprets these requirements to create structured test descriptions, establishing a clear foundation for automation.

Activate TestPilot, and it will automatically generate the necessary scripts, run the tests, and even debug its own code. This hands-free process ensures that are created, executed, and refined without manual intervention.


Activate TestPilot


Validate and Repository Storage

Review TestPilot's final output for accuracy. Once validated, the scripts are automatically stored in your testing repository , ensuring they are readily accessible for future use and maintaining consistency in your testing process.

Ready to explore?